sonetto 130 shakespeare: analisi

Sonnet 130 was published in the book entitled “Shakespeare’s Sonnets” which was introduced in 1609. In Sonnet 130, there is no use of grandiose metaphor or allusion; he does not compare his love to Venus, there is no evocation to Morpheus, etc. He says that if snow stands as the standard for whiteness, his mistress’s breast does not qualify for such whiteness. The speaker is expressing his love for his beloved. How can someone’s walk match the walk of goddesses? Get Your Custom Essay on William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 Analysis Just from $13,9/Page. She speaks and walks normally. He does not need any perfect physical beauty. He considers her as much imperfect as other humans are. Her breasts are a dull grey-brown colour, not snow white. It was first published in 1609. Analysis of Sonnet 130. Can you help me identify which syllables are being stressed in sonnet 130? Technical analysis of Sonnet 130 literary devices and the technique of William Shakespeare The speaker of this poem is a realist lover. Sonnet 130 carries within it similar themes to those traditional sonnets - Female Beauty, The Anatomy and Love - but it approaches them in a thoroughly realistic way; there is no flowery, idealistic language. Some are more melancholy than others, but no sonnet seems insulting – except this one! The poem is a satire on the conventions of idealizing one’s beloved. Analysis Of Shakespeare 's ' Sonnet 130 ' 1048 Words | 5 Pages. The Poetry Handbook, John Lennard, OUP, 2005. Shakespeare doesn't hold back in his denial of his mistress's beauty. Like many other sonnets from the same period, Shakespeare's poem wrestles with beauty, love, and desire. Shakespeare Love Sonnets include Sonnet 18, Sonnet 130, and many more. In fact, women are almost deified in many sonnets. my MIStress' EYES are NOthing LIKE the SUN The rest of the sonnet is: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. Line 4 is also not straightforward. The third and fourth lines of the poem start with the word “if.” This device gives the poem a rhyming effect. He says that he can neither claim that his mistress’s voice is more delightful nor can he say that she walks like goddesses. Introduzione. William Shakespeare is known to be a great figure behind ancient literature, and his relevance still stands to date. He says that he will not exaggerate his mistress’s beauty to express his love. The sound /i/ is repeated in the first and second lines of the poem. The tone of the poem is thoroughly satirical. Line 12 begins with a strong spondee - two stressed syllables - which reinforces the personal again. Therefore, he knows that his mistress cannot be compared to a goddess. The ordinary beauty and humanity of his lover are important to Shakespeare in this sonnet, and he deliberately uses typical love poetry metaphors against themselves. He also mocks the tradition of comparing one’s breast to snow and hair with golden wires. He wants to prove that the convention of describing human beauty through false comparisons is wrong. His beloved is neither as white as snow, nor is her lips red like the coral. Because this is a love poem this is of great significance because red lips were supposed to be an exclusive attribute of female beauty, whilst wires refers to the Elizabethan fashion of threading golden wires through blonde hair, to increase appeal and looks. © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Lit Priest, Sonnet 130 Summary (My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun). Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound in a line. When a line of poetry is changed like this there is often a special emphasis placed on the meaning of certain words and phrases. He says that he has seen many different variants of roses. Sonnets in the Spotlight Sonnet 130 is the poet's pragmatic tribute to his uncomely mistress, commonly referred to as the dark lady because of her dun complexion. Poetry and Poetics: Shakespeare’s Unique Love in “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” It was usual for 16th century sonneteers to … Readers wonder why Shakespeare would highlight the flaws of the woman he loves so they hypothesize his intent. It uses different devices like hyperbole, metaphor, and simile, to emphasize the absurdity of idealism in love. In the third line, the speaker compares the whiteness of his mistress’s breast with the whiteness of snow. Other lines are ambiguous and it is up to the reader to decide where the stresses/beats fall. In the fourth line, the speaker exaggeratedly says that his beloved’s head is covered with black wires. The mistress's imperfections are praised and by so doing it could be argued that the speaker is being more honest. Writers such as Edmund Spenser in his Epithalamion and Sir Philip Sidney in Astrophil and Stella. He considers his love rare because he is in love with an imperfect lady. If we are not ready to accept the imperfections of humans, how can we love them? In those lines, the speaker takes time to elaborate on his love for his mistress. Similarly, in the eighth line, the speaker says that his beloved’s breath reeks, which is an exaggeration. Line 2 begins with an inverted iambic foot - a trochee - with the stress on the first syllable, which alters the flow somewhat before the iambic beat takes over. It uses different devices like hyperbole, metaphor, and simile, to emphasize the absurdity of idealism in love. This device emphasizes the difference between the whiteness of the two. In lines 6 and 7 the natural order of the words is inversed, a technique known as anastrophe. He says that the sun is far more bright and beautiful than the ordinary eyes of his mistress. Sonnet 130 becomes more abstract as it progresses. A simile is an explicit comparison between two different things based on some similar quality with the help of words like “as” or “like.”. Shakespeare’s sonnet 130 comprises of 14 lines; each line comprises of ten syllables. The description used to involve many clichéd comparisons where the speaker would compare his beloved with heavenly and worldly symbols of beauty. This satire not only points out the idealism in poetry but also in all the fields of life. He employs some of the most common comparisons that were used by the sonneteers and points out the fact that it is not humanly possible to reach that level. He's not prepared to do that, preferring instead to enhance his mistress's beauty, deepen his love for her. Sonnet 130 is another example of Shakespeare’s treatment of the conventions of a sonnet. His sonnets were published in a collection in 1609. It's there for all to see in the first line. Imagine that, comparing your lover's hair to strands of thin metal. The poem expresses earnest love for a partner, and the mood is sincere and fond. Popularity of “Sonnet 130”: William Shakespeare, a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor, “Sonnet 130” is a remarkable piece famous on account of its themes of love and appearance. If the classic, lovely and fragrant English Rose is absent, at least this mistress has no pretence to a sweet smelling breath. The speaker opens the poem with the description of his mistress. The speaker in these sonnets tells him about the mortality of life and the ways he can escape its clutches. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'litpriest_com-box-4','ezslot_3',103,'0','0']));In the couplet, the speaker says that despite all the shortcomings of his mistress that he has described in the earlier line, he is in deep love with her. He also goes on to use hyperbole by exaggeratedly claiming that his mistress’s hair is like black wires. He says that he has never seen such roses in the cheeks of his mistress. Written from a first person perspective, I and My occur 11 times. The speaker accepts that his lover isn't a paragon of beauty but a real woman with wiry black hair, off-white breasts and a stinking breath. Andrew has a keen interest in all aspects of poetry and writes extensively on the subject. In the first quatrain, the speaker questions the idea of comparing humans to sun and corals. Explication Analysis. Sonnet 130 is another example of Shakespeare’s treatment of the conventions of a sonnet. Shakespeare used this device to upset the normal flow of language and bring attention to the mid-point of the sonnet. He does so by describing the features of his own mistress. Sonnet 130 is a parody of the Dark Lady, who falls too obviously short of fashionable beauty to be extolled in print. He furthers this description by employing another analogy. Sonnet 130 falls in this portion of the sonnet collection and is, therefore, considered to address this lady. He wrote more than thirty plays and more than 150 sonnets. The first pattern is made by the words “be” and “black,” while the  second is made by the words “hair,” “her,” and “head.” This type of repetitive sounds at the start of the words exhibits the disagreement of the speaker with this type of comparison. No airs and graces from his mistress. The poem is a satire on the conventions of idealizing one’s beloved. Sonnet 130 is an unusual poem because it turns the idea of female beauty on its head and offers the reader an alternative view of what it's like to love a woman, warts and all, despite her shortcomings. Secondly, the description of the beloved’s beauty is also not the same as the convention. However, he chooses a subject matter, which is exactly opposite to the traditional themes. In being brutally open, candid and unconventional, the speaker has ironically given his mistress a heightened beauty, simply because he doesn't dote on her outward appearance. In subject matter, the convention was to praise the beauty of a god-like beloved and narrate the events of the unsuccessful quests of winning her love. Still, he loves her with all his heart. How can someone’s hair be like golden wires? Line 5 begins with an inverted iamb - a trochee - placing emphasis on the first person I. This division is made on the basis of the different people these sonnets address. His poems are published online and in print. In this way, he mocks the conventional analogies by proving that they are mere talks and have no substance. For example: When words beginning with the same consonants are close together in a phrase or line, as in lines: When the same or similar vowels in words are close together in a line or phrase, as in lines: Repeating words or phrases strengthens meaning and places special emphasis on them. Share on telegram. For example, the word red occurs twice in the second line, as does wires in the fourth. He also uses the conventional iambic pentameter and the division of sonnet into three quatrains and a couplet. I love / to hear / her speak, / yet well / I know That mu / sic hath / a far / more plea / sing sound; I grant / I nev / er saw / a god / dess go;My mis / tress, when / she walks, / treads on / the ground. In lines three and four the anatomy of the mistress is further explored in unorthodox fashion. And she has dark hair that stands out like wires. The imagery in Shakespeare's "Sonnet 130" pokes fun at or parodies the conventionalized love imagery typical of a Petrarchan sonnet. The poem addresses the problem of stereotyping the beauty of females by setting unreachable standards for it. Others claim it did mean smell or stink. The sonnets of this part are addressed to a female. In form, the sonnet was required to be written in fourteen and that its meter should be iambic pentameter. Note the comma in both lines, a parallel, so the reader has to pause, breaking the rhythm, telling us that this is no ordinary poetic journey. Particularly noticeable in this sonnet is the idea of “a thought per line” – every verse in this sonnet contains a complete thought or idea for these lines are not enjambed. Get Essay Thus, Shakespeare followed the more idiomatic rhyme scheme which interlaces a rhyming pair of couplets to make a quatrain. In the first quatrain, the speaker spends one line on each comparison between his mistress and something else (the sun, coral, snow, and wires—the one positive thing in the whole poem some part of his mistress is like. This means that is made up of three quatrains , or sets of four lines, and one concluding couplet , … He knows that his mistress walks on earth. The major focus of the poem is to free poetry from the ideal form of description. Every person is different from another, and such stereotyping of beauty can never work. The theme of this sonnet is romance, but it isn’t the conventional love poem were you praise your mistress and point out to the readers all the ways in which she is perfect and the best. However, connecting roses with his mistress’s cheek seems irrational to him. In order to stress his point, he starts with an alliterative sound pattern in the first line. Sonnet 130 contains several literary devices that enhance the texture of the sound and reinforce certain tropes. However, he says, there is another sound that is sweeter than his mistress’s voice. She hasn't a musical voice; she uses her feet to get around.

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