dauntless la battaglia di midway wikipedia

El principal caza transportado era el rápido y altamente maniobrable Mitsubishi A6M «Zero». This operation was also considered preparatory for further attacks against Fiji, Samoa, and Hawaii itself. La Fuerza Aérea contribuyó con un escuadrón de diecisiete Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress y cuatro Martin B-26 Marauder equipados con torpedos. Out of Obscurity", "What If Japan Had Won The Battle of Midway? Dauntless: The Battle of Midway subtítulos. [146][147], By the time the battle ended, 3,057 Japanese had died. [65]​ A las 6:20 los aviones de Nagumo comenzaron a bombardear Midway y causaron grandes daños a las instalaciones militares de la isla. [102]​, Adicionalmente, los destructores Arashio y Asashio —35 y 21 muertos respectivamente— fueron dañados durante los ataques aéreos que hundieron el Mikuma y dañaron el Mogami. Some of our machineguns managed to fire a few frantic bursts at them, but it was too late. [39], Thus, Carrier Division 5, consisting of the two most advanced aircraft carriers of the Kido Butai, were not available, which meant that Vice-Admiral Nagumo had only two-thirds of the fleet carriers at his disposal: Kaga and Akagi forming Carrier Division 1 and Hiryū and Sōryū as Carrier Division 2. Dauntless: La Battaglia di Midway 2019 - 98 min Nel giugno del 1942, la Marina giapponese oltrepassa il Pacifico. Nel giugno del 1942, sei mesi dopo la sua vittoria a Pearl Harbor, la marina imperiale giapponese preparò una nuova offensiva per annientare le forze aeree e … In any case, the Japanese apparently made no serious attempt to get Zuikaku ready for the forthcoming battle. Por el contrario, Yamamoto y Kondō tenían en sus flotas dos portaaviones ligeros, cinco acorazados, cuatro cruceros pesados y dos cruceros ligeros, de los cuales ninguno participó en la batalla. Sailors, including Ensign John d'Arc Lorenz called it an incalculable inspiration: "For the first time I realized what the flag meant: all of us—a million faces—all our effort—a whisper of encouragement. [48]​[49]​ No obstante, la Primera Fuerza de Ataque navegó con 248 aviones disponibles en los cuatro portaaviones —60 en el Akagi, 74 en el Kaga, 57 en el Hiryū y 57 en el Sōryū. [37], During the Battle of the Coral Sea one month earlier, the Japanese light carrier Shōhō had been sunk, while the fleet carrier Shōkaku had been severely damaged by three bomb hits and was in drydock for months of repair. She was renamed St. [92], Fletcher, along with Yorktown's commanding officer, Captain Elliott Buckmaster, and their staffs, had acquired the first-hand experience needed in organizing and launching a full strike against an enemy force in the Coral Sea, but there was no time to pass these lessons on to Enterprise and Hornet which were tasked with launching the first strike. Título original: Dauntless: The Battle of Midway. Repairs continued even as she sortied, with work crews from the repair ship USS Vestal, herself damaged in the attack on Pearl Harbor six months earlier, still aboard. [75], In accordance with Yamamoto's orders for Operation MI, Admiral Nagumo had kept half of his aircraft in reserve. The new carriers being built were redesigned to incorporate only two flight deck elevators and new firefighting equipment. Cronológicamente se libró un mes después de la batalla del Mar de Coral, cinco meses después de la conquista japonesa de la isla Wake y seis meses después del ataque a Pearl Harbor, que supuso el inicio del conflicto en el Pacífico entre japoneses y estadounidenses. John Ford directed two films about the events: the 18-minute 1942 Movietone News documentary (released by the War Activities Committee) The Battle of Midway,[203] which received the 1942 Academy Award for Best Documentary; and the eight-minute documentary Torpedo Squadron 8, which describes the heroism of Torpedo Squadron 8 of the USS Hornet. Por razones que aún no están claras, Nagumo no modificó sus planes ni tomó precauciones adicionales.[63]​. El ataque a Midway —al igual que el de Pearl Harbor— no era parte de un plan para conquistar los Estados Unidos, sino que su objetivo era eliminar las fuerzas navales estadounidense del Pacífico y evitar su intervención en la campaña japonesa en el este y sudeste asiático. [95]​[96]​ Sin embargo, la victoria en Midway dio a los estadounidenses la iniciativa estratégica en la guerra, pues infligió daños irreparables a los portaaviones japoneses y acortó el tiempo de la guerra en el Pacífico. Air Group Commander C. Wade McClusky, Jr. decided to continue the search, and by good fortune spotted the wake of the Japanese destroyer Arashi, steaming at full speed to rejoin Nagumo's carriers after having unsuccessfully depth-charged U.S. submarine Nautilus, which had unsuccessfully attacked the battleship Kirishima. Dead aboard the destroyers Tanikaze (11), Arashi (1), Kazagumo (1) and the fleet oiler Akebono Maru (10) made up the remaining 23 casualties. [69], One B-26, piloted by Lieutenant James Muri, after dropping his torpedo and searching for a safer escape route, flew directly down the length of the Akagi while being chased by interceptors and anti-aircraft fire, which had to hold their fire to avoid hitting their own flagship. Ensign George H. Gay, Jr. was the only survivor of the 30 aircrew of VT-8. Only Emperor Hirohito and the highest Navy command personnel were accurately informed of the carrier and pilot losses. [148] The heavy cruisers Mikuma (sunk; 700 casualties) and Mogami (badly damaged; 92) accounted for another 792 deaths. Algunos pilotos estadounidenses que estaban en la base intentaron defender el atolón con los aviones Grumman F4F Wildcat y Brewster F2A Buffalo, pero sufrieron numerosas bajas. [1]​ La derrota japonesa supuso un serio obstáculo para sus planes de expansión por el resto del océano y fue un «punto de inflexión» en el conjunto del conflicto. En el primer ataque a Midway optó por equipar a los aviones de reserva con torpedos, al temer encontrar barcos estadounidenses. This led to a sharp decline in the quality of the aviators produced. [46], Japanese strategic scouting arrangements prior to the battle were also in disarray. [173], Two enlisted men from Mikuma were rescued from a life raft on 9 June by USS Trout and taken to Pearl Harbor. Hammann broke in two and sank with the loss of 80 lives, mostly because her own depth charges exploded. [135] It was fortunate for the U.S. that Spruance did not pursue, for had he come in contact with Yamamoto's heavy ships, including Yamato, in the dark and considering the Japanese Navy's superiority in night-attack tactics at the time, there is a very high probability his cruisers would have been overwhelmed and his carriers sunk. That there were none immediately available is attributable to the failure of the IJN crew training program, which already showed signs of being unable to replace losses. The Japanese, by contrast, remained mainly unaware of their opponent's true strength and dispositions even after the battle began. Por esto, Midway es generalmente considerada la batalla más importante de la guerra del Pacífico y una de las más decisivas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.[2]​[3]​. Most significantly, American cryptographers were able to determine the date and location of the planned attack, enabling the forewarned U.S. Navy to prepare its own ambush. Luego de la invasión, muchos estadounidenses temían que desde allí los japoneses ataquen objetivos estratégicos y centros urbanos a lo largo de la costa oeste. [131], As darkness fell, both sides took stock and made tentative plans for continuing the action. [46]​, Los historiadores Jonathan Parshall y Anthony Tully creen que si se hubiesen combinado las aeronaves y pilotos supervivientes del Shōkaku y el Zuikaku, habría sido posible equipar al Zuikaku con un grupo aéreo casi completo, pero también señalan que esto habría ido contra la doctrina japonesa de que los portaaviones y sus grupos aeroembarcados debían entrenar como una sola unidad —por otro lado, los escuadrones aéreos de Estados Unidos entrenaban para poder intercambiarse entre portaaviones—. [70][71] A B-26 that had been seriously damaged by anti-aircraft fire didn't pull out of its run, and instead headed directly for Akagi's bridge. El nuevo código, que tardó varios días en ser descifrado, entró en uso el 24 de mayo, pero para ese entonces los mensajes más importantes ya se habían decodificado. Although the F2As and SB2Us were already obsolete, they were the only aircraft available to the Marine Corps at the time. [94] Spruance judged that the need to throw something at the enemy as soon as possible was greater than the need to coordinate the attack by aircraft of different types and speeds (fighters, bombers, and torpedo bombers). Spruance knew the United States had won a great victory, but he was still unsure of what Japanese forces remained and was determined to safeguard both Midway and his carriers. Poor radio communications with the fighter aircraft inhibited effective command and control of the CAP. Los instructores del Cuerpo Aéreo de Yokosuka fueron empleados en un esfuerzo para compensar este déficit. [25]​ Desde principios de 1942, Estados Unidos había estado decodificando mensajes que indicaban que pronto se llevaría a cabo una operación militar en un objetivo llamado «AF». Trivial de preguntas y respuestas sobre la Batalla de Midway. The main airfield at Guadalcanal was named after him in August 1942. With further salvage efforts deemed hopeless, the remaining repair crews were evacuated from Yorktown. This was one of the carriers from Task Force 16. Este ataque, aunque militarmente insignificante, fue un duro golpe psicológico para la población japonesa porque demostró la inseguridad a la que estaban expuestas las islas niponas. Pre-war Japan was less mechanized than America and the highly trained aircraft mechanics, fitters, and technicians lost at Midway were all but impossible to replace and train to a similar level of efficiency. During the Battle of the Coral Sea one month earlier, USS Lexington had been sunk and USS Yorktown suffered so much damage that the Japanese believed she too had been lost. As a result, Air Group Eight's dive bombers missed the Japanese carriers. [88]​ Por la mañana, el submarino lanzó un ataque con torpedos contra los cruceros, sin éxito, pero en los días siguientes la aviación de la isla, junto a la de los portaaviones, realizaron varios ataques a los cruceros, hundiendo al Mikuma y dejando gravemente dañado al Mogami. Su grupo de acorazados y cruceros de apoyo siguió a los portaaviones del vicealmirante Chūichi Nagumo a varios cientos de kilómetros. After receiving medical care, at least one of these sailors cooperated during interrogation and provided intelligence. [188] In the time it took Japan to build three carriers, the U.S. Navy commissioned more than two dozen fleet and light fleet carriers, and numerous escort carriers. by Mike Phillips. As Nagumo's bombers and fighters were taking off, 11 PBYs were leaving Midway to run their search patterns. [79], Nagumo quickly reversed his order to re-arm the bombers with general-purpose bombs and demanded that the scout plane ascertain the composition of the American force. [34]​, A causa de los daños que sufrió en la batalla del Mar del Coral, se estimó que el Yorktown necesitaba varios meses de reparaciones en el Astillero Naval de Puget Sound, pero sus ascensores estaban intactos así como gran parte de la cubierta de vuelo. La misión de estos era acercarse y destruir cualquier elemento que pudiera defender Midway tras ser previamente debilitado desde los portaaviones. There were few casualties aboard since most of the crew had already been evacuated, but a third torpedo from this salvo struck the destroyer USS Hammann, which had been providing auxiliary power to Yorktown. His emphasis on dispersal also meant none of his formations were in a position to support the others. Uncertain of whether they were friendly or not and unwilling to approach any closer to verify their heading or type, Murphy decided to send a vague report of "four large ships" to Admiral Robert English, Commander, Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC). In contrast, the extensive use of machinery in the United States meant that a much larger portion of the population had a mechanical/technical background. Contributors. Dauntless / La Battaglia Di Midway (BRD+DVD) para 21,80 €. Después de lanzar su campaña militar en el sudeste asiático, el Imperio del Japón alcanzó rápidamente sus primeros objetivos estratégicos al tomar las Filipinas, la Malasia británica, Singapur y las Indias Orientales Neerlandesas —actual Indonesia—. [nb 5]. [97]​[95]​, El programa de entrenamiento previo a la guerra había formado pilotos de excepcional calidad para la aviación naval del Imperio japonés. [163], Three U.S. airmen were captured during the battle: Ensign Wesley Osmus,[164] a pilot from Yorktown; Ensign Frank O'Flaherty,[165] a pilot from Enterprise; and Aviation Machinist's Mate Bruno Peter Gaido,[166] O'Flaherty's radioman-gunner. [87] In addition, the arrival of another land-based American air strike at 07:53 gave weight to the need to attack the island again. [107] Better discipline and the employment of a greater number of Zeroes for the CAP might have enabled Nagumo to prevent (or at least mitigate) the damage caused by the coming American attacks. [180], Although the Japanese continued to try to secure more territory, and the U.S. did not move from a state of naval parity to one of supremacy until after several more months of hard combat,[181] Midway allowed the Allies to switch to the strategic initiative, paving the way for the landings on Guadalcanal and the prolonged attrition of the Solomon Islands campaign. Simultaneously, he detached a cruiser raiding force to bombard the island. [133] Limping along on a straight course at 12 knots—roughly one-third their top speed—Mogami and Mikuma had been almost perfect targets for a submarine attack. Delivery date: between Thursday, October 8 and Monday, October 12. Las reparaciones continuaron incluso una vez que salió del astillero, a cargo de un equipo que seguía a bordo del USS Vestal, un buque de reparación dañado en el ataque a Pearl Harbor. Anexo:Orden de batalla de la batalla de Midway, «A Brief History of Aircraft Carriers: Battle of Midway», «Oil and Japanese Strategy in the Solomons: A Postulate», «What If Japan Had Won The Battle of Midway?», «Battle of Midway: Repairing the Yorktown After the Battle of the Coral Sea», «After Midway: The Fates of the U.S. and Japanese Warships», Mover la guerra. [41], The main Japanese carrier-borne strike aircraft were the D3A1 "Val" dive bomber and the B5N2 "Kate", which was used either as a torpedo bomber or as a level bomber. He mistakenly reported this group as the Main Force. Seller: Dodax EU. Aunque tradicionalmente se considera que la operación fue una distracción para mantener a los estadounidenses alejados del Midway, de acuerdo al plan original, el ataque a las islas y al atolón debían iniciar simultáneamente, pero la fuerza operativa de Nagumo se retrasó un día en la navegación y eso causó que la operación en las Aleutianas iniciara el día antes. La flota japonesa no logró localizar a su enemigo en el mar. VAT included - FREE Shipping. As soon as Tambor returned to port, Spruance had Murphy relieved of duty and reassigned to a shore station, citing his confusing contact report, poor torpedo shooting during his attack run, and general lack of aggression, especially as compared to Nautilus, the oldest of the 12 boats at Midway and the only one which had successfully placed a torpedo on target (albeit a dud). In the end, Nagumo decided to wait for his first strike force to land, then launch the reserve, which would by then be properly armed with torpedoes. En ella, las fuerzas aeronavales estadounidenses detuvieron el intento japonés de invadir el atolón de Midway, donde los primeros tenían una base militar. The Japanese repelled these attacks, losing three fighters while destroying five TBFs, two SB2Us, eight SBDs, and two B-26s. Accordingly, American squadrons were launched piecemeal and proceeded to the target in several different groups. [99] Midway was the last time the TBD Devastator was used in combat. Yorktown yanked down her yellow breakdown flag and up went a new hoist—"My speed 5. The Yorktown squadron (VB-3) had flown just behind VT-3, but elected to attack from a different course. Los dos portaaviones de la Fuerza de Tareas 16 del almirante Spruance, el Enterprise y el Hornet, no sufrieron daños. [38], Historians Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully believe that by combining the surviving aircraft and pilots from Shōkaku and Zuikaku, it is likely that Zuikaku could have been equipped with almost a full composite air group. [44]​ El Cuerpo de Marines estacionó además diecinueve Douglas SBD Dauntless, siete F4F-3 Wildcat, diecisiete Vought SB2U Vindicator y veintiún Brewster F2A Buffalo. He was killed when his aircraft crashed near Midway Island. "[156] In reality, the whole operation had been compromised from the beginning by American code-breaking efforts. [116] VT-3 targeted Hiryū, which was hemmed in by Sōryū, Kaga, and Akagi, but achieved no hits. Despite Hiryū being defended by a strong cover of more than a dozen Zero fighters, the attack by Enterprise and orphaned Yorktown aircraft launched from Enterprise was successful: four bombs (possibly five) hit Hiryū, leaving her ablaze and unable to operate aircraft. En él se usaron escenas reales que el propio cineasta filmó durante el conflicto y a bordo de los buques estadounidenses. Por ello resultó necesario efectuar un segundo ataque, pues la pista de aterrizaje y despegue del atolón no había sido destruida por la falta de bombas terrestres. [178] It was the Allies' first major naval victory against the Japanese,[179] won despite the Japanese Navy having more forces and experience than its American counterpart. Fighting Three (VF-3) was reconstituted to replace VF-42 with sixteen pilots from VF-42 and eleven pilots from VF-3, with Lieutenant Commander John S. "Jimmy" Thach in command. [40]​[41]​, El grupo aeroembarcado del Yorktown estaba mermado y se restauró usando cualquier avión y piloto que se pudo encontrar. During this pivotal battle, the two-man crew of a … ADD TO CART ADD TO CART. This information was in Yamamoto's hands prior to the battle. [66]​ Los aviones de reconocimiento japoneses, enviados para evaluar el estado de las defensas de Midway después del ataque, transmitieron un mensaje al almirante en el que explicaban que iba a ser necesaria otra misión de bombardeo para neutralizarlas antes de que las tropas desembarcasen el día 7 de junio, como estaba previsto.[67]​[68]​. [63], Midway's radar picked up the enemy at a distance of several miles, and interceptors were scrambled. [92][93], American carrier aircraft had difficulty locating the target, despite the positions they had been given. Muchos de ellos estaban casi sin combustible, dañados o con parte de la tripulación herida, por lo que era necesario un aterrizaje rápido antes de morir en medio del mar. Este requería la coordinación cuidadosa y oportuna de muchos grupos a cientos de kilómetros en mar abierto. 307 Americans had been killed, including Major General Clarence L. Tinker, Commander, 7th Air Force, who personally led a bomber strike from Hawaii against the retreating Japanese forces on 7 June. Las bajas a bordo de los cuatro portaaviones fueron: 267 en el Akagi, 811 en el Kaga, 392 en el Hiryū y 711 en el Sōryū, sumando un total de 2181 muertos. Dickerson, Bryan J. (27 de abril de 2005). [52] Within 24 hours, the code breakers picked up a Japanese message that "AF was short on water". Tenía la opción de armar los bombarderos de reserva con torpedos, o con bombas terrestres —para atacar navíos o instalaciones militares respectivamente—. Inmediatamente después de los ataques, los bombarderos en picado americanos dirigidos por Clarence Wade McClusky y Richard Best se aproximaron a gran altura, sin ser acosados por los cazas Zero que perseguían a los torpederos cercanos al mar, dos escuadrones de bombarderos que atacaron en picado desde el noreste y suroeste. Finalmente, gran parte del plan de Yamamoto coincidía con la idea de los demás líderes japoneses de la época, quienes creían que los estadounidenses estaban desmoralizados por sus frecuentes derrotas en los seis meses precedentes. Check other buying options. Whereas many earlier historical accounts considered the Aleutians operation as a feint to draw American forces away, according to the original Japanese battle plan, AL was intended to be launched simultaneously with the attack on Midway. Despite being asked to abandon the ship, Nagumo didn’t move and was reluctant to leave the Akagi, just muttering, “It's not time yet.” Nagumo's chief of staff, Rear Admiral Ryūnosuke Kusaka, was able to persuade him to leave the critically damaged Akagi. The ship was remarkably intact for a vessel that had sunk in 1942; much of the original equipment and even the original paint scheme were still visible. [47] A second attempt at reconnaissance, using four-engine H8K "Emily" flying boats to scout Pearl Harbor prior to the battle and detect whether the American carriers were present, part of Operation K, was thwarted when Japanese submarines assigned to refuel the search aircraft discovered that the intended refueling point—a hitherto deserted bay off French Frigate Shoals—was now occupied by American warships because the Japanese had carried out an identical mission in March. A miscommunication caused both of the squadrons to dive at Kaga. This made it unlikely that they would be effective in an airstrike against the Japanese battleships, even if they had managed to catch them during the daytime. He already had Vice Admiral William Halsey's two-carrier (Enterprise and Hornet) task force at hand, though Halsey was stricken with severe dermatitis and had to be replaced by Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, Halsey's escort commander.

Sfilata 2 Giugno 1963, Stadio Torino Oggi, Tanti Auguri Donato, Giudizio Universale Cos'è, Groupon Terme Lazio, Acari Della Pelle Immagini, Auguri Per Una Suora, Settembre Gazzelle Accordi, Lettera A Un Figlio Ingrato, Carlo Pinsoglio Date Di Ingaggio, Polimi Pagamento Seconda Rata 2020, Pino Daniele Quando Accordi,