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Le letterine di Santa Lucia pronte per essere stampate su Maestraemamma. The modern tradition of having public processions in the Swedish cities started in 1927 when a newspaper in Stockholm elected an official Lucy for Stockholm that year. "Saint Lucy – Sicily's Most Famous Woman". Dedicated to my friend Pete. Ecco cosa recitava la missiva: Carissime Ilaria, Chiara e Sonia, Come vedete anche quest'anno sono passata con felicità e gioia nella vostra casa per portarvi qualche regalo. Si presentano solitamente a forma di "s", ma possono avere anche altre forme. At many universities, students hold big formal dinner parties since this is the last chance to celebrate together before most students go home to their families for Christmas. Later, Christian missionaries arrived in Scandinavia to evangelize the local population, carrying the commemoration of Saint Lucy with them, and this "story of a young girl bringing light in the midst of darkness no doubt held great meaning for people who, in the midst of a North Sea December, were longing for the relief of warmth and light". However, it has in recent years also been incorporated in the Advent liturgy in the Church of Norway. Boys take part in the procession, playing different roles associated with Christmas. Schools elect a Lucy and her maids among the students and a national Lucy is elected on national television from regional winners. È questo il legame del grano (e del riso nei paesi più a nord) con Santa Lucia. Descrizione. [9] The Feast of Saint Lucy became a universal feast of the Church in the 6th century, commemorating the Christian martyr's death on 13 December 304 A.D.[10][11][12] St. Lucy's Day appears in the sacramentary of Gregory, as well as that of Bede, and Christian churches were dedicated to Saint Lucy in Italy as well as in England.[10][11]. LA STORIA DI SANTA LUCIA. Lucia, che era una devota cristiana, trascinò la madre fino a Catania, per chiedere a Sant’Agata di guarirla. "), The Christian version used in churches is Sankta Lucia from 1982, by priest Holger Lissner.[34]. Traditions such as this one stubbornly live on to this day, the deities and original meanings long forgotten, their meanings simply replaced with ones more in accordance with Christianity. From that night until Christmas, spirits, gnomes and trolls roamed the earth. It is now again observed all over the country. Saint Lucy was able to die only when she was given the Christian Last Rites. [21], In Croatia, Hungary and some their neighbouring countries, a popular tradition on Saint Lucy's Day involves planting wheat grains; nowadays this serves as symbol of the new life born in Bethlehem, with a candle sometimes placed in the middle of the new plant as a symbol of the Light of Christ that Saint Lucia brings. According to tradition, she arrives in the company of a donkey and her escort, Castaldo. Non solo in Italia è sentita questa festa: anche i paesi del Nord Europa celebrano in maniera sentita la giornata del 13 dicembre. Tipici della città di Bari, vengono preparati a inizio dicembre e serviti il giorno di Santa Lucia: ma si possono consumare anche durante le festività natalizie. SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO – La galleria di Santa Lucia verrà riaperta a dicembre. The public St. Lucia celebration in Lindsborg, Kansas is a way to display the town’s Swedish heritage, and serves as a rallying point for the community. Språkteigen. [32] The first records of St. Lucy celebrations in Finland are from 1898, and the first large celebrations came in 1930, a couple of years after the popularization of the celebrations in Sweden. Alcune varianti prevedono aromatizzazioni particolari come quelle all'anice o vaniglia e alla vaniglia. ("The light's carried forward | proudly on your crown. The Swedish variant of this white-dressed Kindchen Jesus, or Christkind, was called Kinken Jes, and started to appear in upper-class families in the 18th century on Christmas Eve with a candle-wreath in her hair, handing out candy and cakes to the children. "Lussekatter and Cuccia for St. Lucy’s Day", Matthews, Jeff. In an effort to keep the tradition relevant to today, the selection process changed in 2011 to be more based upon qualities of the legendary Lucia that can be universally celebrated. | Rundt om i hus og hjem | sangen skal tone." [21], Catholic celebrations take place on 13 December and in May. Hamer, Richard. She solved this problem by attaching candles to a wreath on her head. La luce, nella cultura cattolica, è un elemento molto importante: dopo Santa Lucia lentamente le ore di luce dovrebbero iniziare ad aumentare, almeno idealmente. Ricetta della torta svedese allo zafferano La torta svedese allo zafferano non è solo una ricetta originale, ma è anche molto semplice. These women do not have to have a Swedish connection or the ability to sing (since the court goes caroling in the early morning). La festa di Santa Lucia rientra a pieno titolo tra le feste situate nel contesto invernale legate alla luce, essendosi letteralmente sovrapposta alle antiche feste pagane legate al culto del Sole, celebrate il giorno del solstizio d’inverno. One of the soldiers stuck a spear through her throat to stop these denouncements, but to no effect. [23] Sicilians recall a legend that holds that a famine ended on her feast day when ships loaded with grain entered the harbor. The regional Lucies will visit shopping malls, old people's homes and churches, singing and handing out gingernut cookies (pepparkakor). Ultima festa prima del periodo natalizio, la Santa originaria di Siracusa simboleggia la purezza e la forza delle proprie convinzioni: alla sua particolare storia si intrecciano ricette di biscotti, dolci di vario tipo, primi piatti, ma anche ricette da street food ormai famose in tutto il mondo. Ecco quali sono i piatti più cucinati e mangiati per la festa di Santa Lucia. This usually takes the form of cuccia,[22] a dish of boiled wheat berries often mixed with ricotta and honey, or sometimes served as a savory soup with beans. Santa Lucia - La storia, filastrocche, disegni da colorare, letterine, lavoretti Infatti la tua fede ha giovato a tua madre ed ecco che è divenuta sana. The Swedish lyrics to the Neapolitan song Santa Lucia have traditionally been either Natten går tunga fjät (The Night steps heavily)[28] or Sankta Lucia, ljusklara hägring (Saint Lucy, bright mirage). [35] The Lussinatt, the night of 13 December, was largely forgotten in Norway at the beginning of the 20th century, though still remembered as an ominous night, and also celebrated in some areas, especially in Mid, Central and Eastern inland. The selection of the court and Lucia is a two step process. A Swedish source[15] states that the date of (Winter Solstice, St. Lucia, Lucinatta, Lucia-day, Lussi-mass...) i.e. Ma la madre della futura santa si ammalò: dopo diverse cure le due si recarono in pellegrinaggio al sepolcro di Sant'Agata, la santa catanese martire. 15, girerà per le vie del paese accompagnata da Babbo Natale, non sarà a cavallo come da tradizione, ma a piedi. NRK radio (2002). December 2002. Da qui l’idea di realizzare un film documentario, di produzione francese, legato proprio a questo importante e significativo evento. Fu infine messa in ginocchio e finita di spada per decapitazione, o secondo le fonti latine, le con un un pugnale in gola (jugulatio). aspettamo, sta arrivando. The tradition of Lussevaka – to stay awake through the Lussinatt to guard oneself and the household against evil, has found a modern form through throwing parties until daybreak. Una specialità a base di grano tipica del palermitano e del siracusano è la cuccìa: un dolce fatto con il grano bollito e la ricotta di pecora o, in alternativa, la crema di latte bianca e al cioccolato. [7], In Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Swedish-speaking regions of Finland, as songs are sung, girls dressed as Saint Lucy carry cookies and saffron buns in procession, which symbolizes bringing the Light of Christ into the world's darkness. A quel punto Lucia fu accusata di stregoneria e torturata col fuoco, ma le fiamme non la toccarono. The National Festival of Lights and Renewal is held the night before the holiday, in honour of St. Lucy of Syracuse the saint of light. Wearing a white gown with a red sash and a crown of candles on her head, she walks at the head of a procession of women, each holding a candle. [20], In one story, Saint Lucy was working to help Christians hiding in the catacombs during the terror under the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and in order to bring with her as many supplies as possible, she needed to have both hands free. [4][5] Falling within the Advent season, Saint Lucy's Day is viewed as a precursor of Christmastide, pointing to the arrival of the Light of Christ in the calendar on Christmas Day. Legend also has it that farm animals talked to each other on Lussinatten, and that they were given additional feed on this longest night of the year. Excerpt: "Nu bæres lyset frem | stolt på din krone. Proprio in quel momento, fu annunciato l'arrivo di un carico di grano al porto di Siracusa, sancendo di fatto il periodo di deprivazione che i cittadini stavano vivendo. A Mantova e provincia il 13 dicembre, giorno in cui si festeggia Santa Lucia, è anche un giorno di festa grande, perché è il giorno in cui la Santa porta i regali ai bimbi. Letterine per Santa Lucia Siamo agli inizi di dicembre e il 13 è Santa Lucia e per alcuni di noi viene a portarci i regali, ma non può sapere cosa vogliamo se noi non glielo diciamo. "Everybody Loves Lucy", University of Maryland University College – Italian Studies, Boys blocked from bearing 'girls-only' Lucia crown, "Winter Solstice celebrations in Finland", National Day – Festival of Lights and Renewal, "Historia del Concurso de Vestidos de Papel", "A Nocturnal upon Saint Lucy's Day," poem by John Donne (1572–1631), Swedish Association of Christian Social Democrats,, Articles with dead external links from December 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2016, Articles needing additional references from December 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with Swedish-language sources (sv), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Prima di morire Lucia profetizzò la caduta di Diocleziano e la pace per la Chiesa. I lavori per la messa in sicurezza del tunnel, però, inizieranno a gennaio dell’anno prossimo. Some trace the "re-birth" of the Lucy celebrations in Sweden to the tradition in German Protestant families of having girls dressed as angelic Christ children, handing out Christmas presents. Every year a Lucia is picked from the congregation. In Saint Lucia, a small island nation in the Caribbean named after its patron saint, St. Lucy, 13 December is celebrated as National Day. Vietati pane e simili, è impossibile passare il 13 dicembre a Palermo o Siracusa senza mangiare almeno un'arancino (o arancina che dir si voglia). I like you Pete. They must not watch Santa Lucia delivering these gifts, or she will throw ashes in their eyes, temporarily blinding them. Her father was of Roman origin, but died when she was five years old,[4] leaving Lucy and her mother without a protective guardian. Schools and kindergartens also use the occasion to mark the event as a special day for children on one of the final days before the Christmas holidays, but it does not have much impact anywhere else in society. Occasionally, anthems of Saint Stephen are taken in on behalf of the boys. Historically Norwegians considered what they called Lussinatten the longest night of the year and no work was to be done. Francesco, siamo veramente felici che il Suo soggiorno nel nostro hotel sia stato così apprezzato da parte Sua. now. La corona di Santa Lucia è un dolce soffice e invitante, aromatizzato con scorza d’arancia e arricchito con uva sultanina.Una torta golosa e veloce da preparare, ottima da sfornare il 13 dicembre, in occasione della festa di Santa Lucia. Gli occhi di Santa Lucia sono una specie di taralli morbidi pugliesi in versione dolce. Nella cultura popolare si festeggia la notte di Santa Lucia perché è la notte più lunga dell’anno e rappresenta il passaggio alla stagione invernale. Some may be dressed in the same kind of white robe, but with a cone-shaped hat decorated with golden stars, called stjärngossar (star boys); some may be dressed up as "tomtenissar" (Santa's elves), carrying lanterns; and some may be dressed up as gingerbread men. The observance commemorates Lucia of Syracuse, an early-4th-century virgin martyr under the Diocletianic Persecution,[1] who according to legend brought food and aid to Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs, wearing a candle lit wreath on her head to light her way and leave her hands free to carry as much food as possible. Another gouged out her eyes in an attempt to force her into complacency, but her eyes were miraculously restored. It is likely that tradition owes its popularity in the Nordic countries to the extreme change in daylight hours between the seasons in this region. It is speculated that the St. Lucy's Day celebrations in Scandinavia alone may retain a few indigenous Germanic pagan, pre-Christian midwinter elements. [36] In the past, a jour ouvert celebration has continued into the sunrise of 13 December. Excerpt: "Svart senker natten seg / i stall og stue. ma non ti dico cosa, sarà una sorpresa. Patron saint festivities are held during the month of December.[41]. carta • creazioni • forbici • letterina • Lucia • Santa • Santa Lucia. Non potevamo non nominare questi dolcetti tipici dei Paesi scandinavi, ma famosi in tutto il mondo. Ci sono delle ricette specifiche di Santa Lucia, che cambiano di regione in regione. In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which is the successor denomination to hundreds of Scandinavian and German Lutheran congregations, St. Lucy is treated as a commemoration on 13 December, in which red vestments are worn. The traditional Norwegian version of the Neapolitan song is, just like the Danish, not especially Christian in nature, the only Christian concept being "Sankta Lucia". The candles symbolize the fire that refused to take St. Lucy's life when she was sentenced to be burned. Saints In Rome and Beyond, by Daniel Thelen, pages 129–130, A Nocturnal upon S. Lucy's Day, Being the Shortest Day, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Hassett, Maurice. [29][30] In another case a six-year-old boy was not allowed to appear with a Lucy crown because the school said it couldn't guarantee his safety. Santa Lucia, una cuccìa da mangiare senza sensi di colpa: la ricetta della nutrizionista. She was seeking help for her mother's long-term illness at the shrine of Saint Agatha when the saint appeared to her in a dream beside the shrine. Risposta preferita ciao Adri sono Santa Lucia , so che quest'anno aspetti tanti regali, e so anche che hai fatto il bravo, che a scuola vai bene, per cui ho deciso che per te farò uno strappo e ti porterò più di un regalo . The choice of 13 December as Saint Lucy's day, however, predates the eight-day error of the 14th century Julian calendar. Baita Santa Lucia da Fritz, Ledro: su Tripadvisor trovi 495 recensioni imparziali su Baita Santa Lucia da Fritz, con punteggio 4,5 su 5 e al n.2 su 36 ristoranti a Ledro. Tutti gli articoli dall'Italia trovati da Glonaabot con tag #Santa Lucia-Cem Lira. [19] A devout Christian who had taken a vow of virginity, her mother betrothed her to a pagan. [25] It is in actuality one of the many pagan traditions found in Croatia and other Slavic nations, that once served as part of rituals to appease their many deities and fairies, which were mostly forgotten after their Christianization. Santa Lucia nacque in una nobile famiglia di Siracusa, in Sicilia. [2][3] Her feast day, which coincided with the shortest day of the year prior to calendar reforms, is widely celebrated as a festival of light. St Lucy is celebrated as a "beacon of brightness" in the darkest time of year. First, the campus community is invited to submit nominations of any sophomore woman who exemplifies the qualities of courageous leadership, service to others, strength of character, and compassion and therefore is a light to others. In occasione dell’arrivo di Santa Lucia, regala uno dei nostri Attestati di Buon Comportamento firmati dalla Santa in persona!. The town of Mollerussa since 1963 holds a contest of paper clothing around this day. The new green shoots, reminding us of the new life born in Bethlehem, may be tied with a ribbon and put near or under the Christmas tree. Ma il riso regna anche in altri piatti, come i timballi al forno conditi con sugo e verdure, o anche in dolci di riso fritti e ricoperti di zucchero. Since 2008 there has been some controversy over males as Lucy, with one male who was elected Lucy at a high school being blocked from performing, and another performing together with a female. Sophomore women then vote who should be on the court. Anch'io! Alio, Jacqueline. Durante il processo Lucia mise in difficoltà più volte i suoi inquisitori, sperimentando "stati miracolosi": la storiografia cristiana narra che divenne pesantissima, tanto che nessuno riuscì a trascinarla via. Risposta inviata il 9 febbraio 2020 Grazie per la recensione, purtroppo il mese di agosto si lavora molto e i tempi di attesa si possono allungare, avvisiamo comunque sempre i nostri clienti proprio per dare a … ("Darkly the night descends / in stable and cottage. Here, it is traditional to eat whole grains instead of bread on 13 December. E cosa c'è di meglio, oltre ai riti tradizionali, di un menù speciale di Santa Lucia? Sempre legata alla vita di Santa Lucia è la fine della carestia del 1646. Ecco una rassegna dei piatti tradizionali più usati per Santa Lucia: dalla cuccìa siciliana al mandorlato veneto, passando per gli Occhi di Santa Lucia pugliesi, fino alle focaccine tipiche dei Paesi Scandinavi, dove la festa è altrettanto sentita. Lucia, infatti, si addormentò durante la preghiera e sognò la santa catanese che le diceva: "Lucia sorella mia, vergine consacrata a Dio, perché chiedi a me ciò che tu stessa puoi concedere? Volume 1, pp 22–25. Da quel momento Lucia consacrò la sua vita a Dio, ma non fu una scelta facile: per i tre anni successivi si privò di tutti i suoi beni per darli ai bisognosi. In Svezia in particolare per il 13 dicembre si preparano i lussekatter: panini soffici allo zafferano arricchiti con l'uvetta, che possono essere consumati durante tutto il periodo natalizio. Enraged, her suitor then reported her to the governor for being a Christian. [22], St. Lucy is the patron saint of the city of Siracusa (Sicily). The St. Lucy of Finland has been elected since 1949 and she is crowned in the Helsinki Cathedral. [14] Early Christians considered this a likely date for their saviour's nativity, as it was commonly held that the world was created on Spring equinox (thought to fall on 25 March at the time), and that Christ had been conceived on that date, being born 9 months later on Winter solstice.[14]. Instead they stacked materials for a fire around her and set light to it, but she would not stop speaking, insisting that her death would lessen the fear of it for other Christians and bring grief to non-believers. The Nordic observation of St. Lucy is first attested in the Middle Ages, and continued after the Protestant Reformation in the 1520s and 1530s, although the modern celebration is only about 200 years old. Molte solo legate al culto della luce, ma anche alla fine simbolica della carestia, con il grano protagonista di molte preparazioni. Santa Luċija is the patron saint of the villages of Mtarfa (Malta) and Santa Luċija, Gozo. Guinness World Records has noted the Lucy procession in Ericsson Globe in Stockholm as the largest in the world, with 1200 participants from Adolf Fredrik's Music School, Stockholms Musikgymnasium and Stockholmläns Blåsarsymfoniker. [2] Saint Lucy is one of the few saints celebrated by the overwhelmingly Lutheran Nordic people — Danes; Swedes; Finns and Norwegians but also in the United States and Canada and Italy. The Winter solstice is not visibly shorter than the several days leading up to and following it and although the actual Julian date of Winter solstice would have been on 15 or 14 December at the time when Christianity was introduced to Scandinavia, 13 December could well have lodged in people's mind as being the shortest day. La lettera arriva direttamente da Santa Lucia, ed accompagnava giochi e dolci per le 3 pupette di casa e per i loro cugini. [39], Gustavus Adolphus College, as a school founded by Swedish immigrants, has celebrated the Festival of Saint Lucia annually since 1941. They participate in the singing and also have a song or two of their own, usually Staffan Stalledräng, which tells the story about Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr, caring for his five horses. Questa specialità non sono legati solo alla Puglia: in Abruzzo, in particolare a Ortona, gli Occhi di Santa Lucia sono biscotti all’anice a forma di occhiali. Lucia di Siracusa, conosciuta come santa Lucia (Siracusa, 283 – Siracusa, 13 dicembre 304), è stata una martire cristiana di inizio IV secolo durante la grande persecuzione voluta dall’imperatore Diocleziano. Verifica, Web. Each Scandinavian country has lyrics in their native tongues. With the original adoption of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century the discrepancy was 10 days and had increased to 11 days in the 18th century when Scandinavia adopted the new calendar, with Winter solstice falling on 9 December. The celebration of Saint Lucy's Day is said to help one live the winter days with enough light. Originally the observance of the winter solstice, and the rebirth of the sun, it brought about many practices that remain in the Advent and Christmas celebrations today. The night before candles are lit and all electrical lights are turned off, and on the Sunday closest to 13 December Danes traditionally attend church. Sono preparati con farina, olio d’oliva e vino bianco e poi ricoperti con una glassa bianca a base di acqua e zucchero chiamata sclepp. E la leggenda che narra di Lucia che si strappa gli occhi per dimostrare la purezza e la forza della sua fede al promesso sposo? Cesa da Riz è nel centro del piccolo paese di Colle Santa Lucia, ai piedi del Passo Giau, in posizione panoramica e soleggiata a pochi minuti dai comprensori sciistici dello Ski Civetta e dalla Ski Aarea Lagazuoi 5 Torri, 20 minuti da Arabba (sellaronda). Implicitly it was meant as a passive protest against German occupation during the Second World War but it has been a tradition ever since. Ma questo detto sta a simboleggiare uno spartiacque fra il buio e la luce, la fine del periodo più duro, malgrado le temperature dei tre mesi invernali ancora da vivere. Although no sources for her life-story exist other than in hagiographies, St. Lucy, whose name Lucia refers to "light" (Lux, lucis), is known to have been a Sicilian saint who suffered a sad death in Siracusa, Sicily, around AD 310. A Siracusa e a Palermo, infatti, il menù del 13 dicembre è fatto da piatti poveri, ma anche molto vari. È una santa molto amata, Santa Lucia, soprattutto nel Sud Italia, ma non solo: la sua celebrazione resta ben radicata in tutte le regioni italiane. La notte di Santa Lucia: la Santa più amata da grandi e piccini. In this celebration, decorative lights (mostly bearing a Christmas theme) are lit in the capital city of Castries; artisans present decorated lanterns for competition; and the official activities end with a fireworks display. Non solo in Italia è sentita questa festa: anche i paesi del Nord Europa celebrano in maniera sentita la giornata del 13 dicembre. Like the Swedish tradition, and unlike the Danish, Lucy is largely a secular event in Norway, and is observed in kindergartens and schools (often through secondary level). carta • creazioni • forbici • idee • Lucia • regalo • Santa Santa Lucia: un’idea regalo originale! And Pete is a big fan of Carlo Bernini. In either case, the current tradition of having a white-dressed woman with candles in her hair appearing on the morning of the Lucy Day started in the area around Vänern in the late 18th century and spread slowly to other parts of the country during the 19th century. This date corresponding to the date of the Winter solstice. The traditional Danish version of the Neapolitan song is not especially Christian in nature, the only Christian concept being "Sankta Lucia". La tradizione di Santa Lucia. Il promesso sposo non accettò la sua scelta in maniera pacifica e, approfittando delle persecuzioni dei cristiani da parte di Diocleziano, la denunciò. The procession then walks around the church, sings the traditional St. Lucia song, and serves the traditional saffron buns and ginger cookies. Although the tradition is imported from Sweden, it differs somewhat in that the church celebration has always been strongly centered on Christianity and it is a yearly local event in most churches in conjunction with Christmas. 13 dicembre: letterine di Santa Lucia da stampare. [40], The town of Mucuchíes in Mérida state, Venezuela, has chosen as their patron saints St. Lucy and St. Benedict the Moor. [7][8] In both Protestant and Catholic churches, boys participate in the procession as well, playing different roles associated with Christmastide, such as that of Saint Stephen. In Denmark, the Day of Lucy (Luciadag) was first celebrated on 13 December 1944. E come per me è beneficata la città di Catania, così per te sarà onorata la città di Siracusa”. According to the legend, she was threatened to be taken to a brothel if she did not renounce her Christian beliefs, but they were unable to move her, even with a thousand men and fifty oxen pulling. [13] The same can be seen in the poem "A Nocturnal upon S. Lucy's Day, Being the Shortest Day" by the English poet John Donne. [24], St. Lucy is also popular among children in some regions of North-Eastern Italy, namely Trentino, East Lombardy (Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Lodi and Mantua), parts of Veneto, (Verona), parts of Emilia-Romagna, (Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia and Bologna), and all of Friuli, where she is said to bring gifts to good children and coal to bad ones the night between 12 and 13 December. Saint Lucy or Lucia, whose name comes from the Latin word "lux" meaning light, links with this element and with the days growing longer after the Winter solstice. Lussi, a feared enchantress, punished anyone who dared work. Così a Villa Poma Santa Lucia partirà sabato alle 19. The Catholic Encyclopedia. In Scandinavia, where Lucy is called Santa Lucia in Norwegian and Danish and Sankta Lucia in Swedish, she is represented as a lady in a white dress symbolizing a baptismal robe and a red sash symbolizing the blood of her martyrdom, with a crown or wreath of candles on her head. A Caltanissetta, invece, la cuccìa non è una specialità dolce ma un piatto salato: una minestra di grano e ceci lessati, condita con olio novello, sale e pepe. [17], There is little evidence that the legend itself derives from the folklore of northern Europe, but the similarities in the names ("Lussi" and "Lucia"), and the date of her festival, 13 December, suggest that two separate traditions may have been brought together in the modern-day celebrations in Scandinavia. Lussinatta, the Lussi Night, was marked in Sweden 13 December. This date is attested in the pre-Tridentic Monastic calendar, probably going back to the earliest attestations of her life in the 6th and 7th centuries, and it is the date used throughout Europe. "Santa Lucia" (Italian: [ˈsanta luˈtʃiːa], Neapolitan: [ˈsandə luˈʃiːə]) is a traditional Neapolitan song. [16], Between Lussi Night and The cow, trolls and evil spirits, in some accounts also the spirits of the dead, were thought to be active outside. A special baked bun, Lussekatt (St. Lucy Bun), made with saffron and in use as early as November, is a very popular Christmas tradition.

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