esercizi past simple e past continuous

regular verb → add ed; Jane (arrive) an hour ago. Nie wieder schlechte Noten! While he (mow) the lawn, it (start) to rain. 1I was falling downfell down while I was goingwent down the stairs. 1 I __ and fell while I was running. Compare: (The action of having a shower started before he arrived), (The action of having a shower started after he arrived). 43.3 : 43.3 Make questions using the past continuous: 0% . only a minute before. Il past continuous e il past simple si possono usare insieme per esprimere un’azione avvenuta nel passato mentre un’altra stava accadendo. irregular verb, 2nd verb form (go-went-gone); I (be) on holiday last week. 7Last Saturday we got upwere getting up late and we missedwere missing the train. PAST CONTINUOUS E SIMPLE PAST I (to sleep) when the telephone (to ring). Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense – Past Perfect or Simple Past. Leggi queste frasi con il PAST SIMPLE e il PAST CONTINUOUS. %���� It sometimes refers to contrast: something you used to do in the past, but don’t do anymore; or something you didn’t use to do in the past, but you do now. While Henry (to have) lunch, his brother (to call) him. Das past progressive wird mit der simple-past-Form von (to) be → was oder were und dem present participle, also der ing-Form des Vollverbs gebildet.Die Struktur sieht, wie folgt, aus: was/were + ing-Form ⇒ Zum Beispiel: I was reading a book yesterday at 11 o'clock.We were watching TV when Kevin called. While Tom (read), Amely (watch) a documentary on TV. He was sleeping when the doorbell rang. 0% . L'esercizio 2870 di inglese su verbi e past-simple past-continuous con soluzione, livello avanzato. We . 4. looking back to an action that took place before another action in the past, signal word: a minute before → past perfect simple; Yesterday at nine he . Example of comparison of past simple and past continuous: They played tennis during the summer holidays. Past perfect simple / continuous. Download full-size image from Pinterest . endobj Kurt went to Canada in 1991.; I didn't see you yesterday. use the contract form when possible. Do you need help? %PDF-1.5 at the breakfast table when the doorbell . Past simple / Present perfect (simple / continuous) Past simple and Present perfect. I had lived in New York City before. 5. Simple Past – Past Progressive – contrasted We sat was sitting were sitting at the breakfast table when the doorbell rang was ringing were ringing . Past simple. Argomenti correlati: Past Continuous. irregular verb, 2nd verb form (be-was/were-been)|for I/he/she/it we use was … 2. Nobody (listen) while the teacher (explain) the tenses. The past continuous describes a longer action or situation and the past simple describes a shorter action or event. u����5��4��@��"38�]a�?�i� MP�3�kB���,ד�iW��-�P�m��O������-%T�HsZ�������ZG�i$�%;��N}ҏ���?B!�>= e�����Z9>٠O��CY[[�~=�(�ac_��0k��hś����� ��4u]����N,u%�9�שam&!�RIM���{���'��>�e���Z�؊�D�5�i%,��H�D��.�r�ޖ� >�\ ��� 1mEfgv8)z"��`@�f �(�"D��tB�"�>��������\lC������ geEyg#���HGNd�SwU���w�2%~�u� Simple Past or Past Progressive – Exercise 1. At 8.30 last night. Past simple We use the past simple to talk about completed actions in the past. hate In italiano usiamo spesso il passato prossimo. Answer: Pat had lived in London before he moved to Rome. ESERCIZI SU PAST-CONTINUOUS. Fichas interactivas gratuitas para practicar online o descargar como pdf para imprimir. I (try) to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to miss it. endobj It was raining hard when we left the party. Quando sono arrivato, mio papà stava guardando la TV. Dabei wird die Handlung, welche länger andauert, durch das Past Continuous ausgedrückt. When I £, my dad £ TV. 43.2 : 43.2 Change the sentences of the previous exercise into negative ones. Free English online grammar exercise on the use of past tense simple and progressive, past tense continuous. 1 0 obj Example: I spoke: had + 3rd column of irregular verbs. ( had lived, had sung …). USED TO is used to express something that you did frequently in the past. 3It was snowingsnowed when we were leavingleft home. LEZIONE 5: PAST SIMPLE / PAST CONTINUOUS TEMPO PASSATO Simple past Si usa per definire un’azione passata, completa, che non ha alcun legame con il presente. He met was meeting were meeting a lot of friendly people while he worked was working were working in California. 1. Simple Past Past Perfect Simple; 2nd column of irregular verbs. The past simple is used to talk about completed actions at a particular point in the past, often with dates or times and words like yesterday, last and ago:. We . stream Past continuous or past simple? (the action is finished) We were eating at 9. 5This morning I was getting upgot up and I was makingmade breakfast for everybody. Esempio: Every morning I got up early, set off on my bike, visited the villages along the way and talked to people. Per verificare il risultato, fai click su "Correggi"! in front of his computer. Past Simple or Progressive - Exercise 2. Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: ... **** PAST SIMPLE o CONTINUOUS? Use the words in brackets to put the following into the correct tense – the past simple or past continuous. Verneint wird es durch not zwischen was/were und dem present participle bzw. ��~�'��dHK�B�Jڇ=��� �M�n2m?�c�C�cySns����E�F�&{���X�V����{nC�b��+��]�*K@�� ښzDK*M/;�z&�I$�ѺibE���M��B�P���t�qU��h1沇��N�Hq=Q�#�bwp��m{��;�7�LƧ~+[�h���]Y�����ϓ$2 ްo. In inglese il simple past traduce il nostro passato remoto MANGIAI, l’imperfetto MANGIAVO, e appunto il passato prossimo HO MANGIATO. When the phone rang during Bill's dinner, he was anwering the phone. Yesterday I went to the post office, bought some fruit at the supermarket and read a book in the park in the afternoon. I had lived in New York City before. Esercizi: [Nessun esercizio correlato] Esercizi sul past continuous Inserisci nelle apposite caselle di testo le risposte che ritieni corrette. look for: are looking for: 5: Ian _____ to disco right now. ESERCIZIO SUL PRESENT CONTINUOUS E SUL PAST CONTINUOUS ≡ FACILE ≡ GB-108-2014 Scrivi lA TRADUZIONE CORRETTA Per ogni frase SCEGLIENDOLA FRA LE ALTERNATIVE DATE Esempio: Ti sto osservando (I watch you/I'm watching you) I'm watching you. He . By continuing you agree to our use of cookies. 1. We use the past simple for completed actions that happened one after the other. Continuous: HAD BEEN + V-ing An action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past We use the past continuous to talk about actions that were in progress (not finished) at a specific moment in the past. Übungen und Klassenarbeiten. // 2. Simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, past perfect progressive . Eine Handlung unterbricht eine gleichzeitig ablaufende Handlung. I _____ her. 1. 5 Past continuous e past simple (21-22) Past continuous - uso Il past continuous si usa per esprimere azioni che stanno accadendo in un tempo particolare del passato. Se l’azione è terminata, anche un’ora fa, … Students > Solutions > Upper-Intermediate > Grammar > Exercise 2 - Past perfect simple and continuous. While my mom £, I £ a shower. Past perfect simple / continuous. She (to drive) slowly when the snow (to start) to come down. All the students were listening to the professor's lecture very carefully. ): We often use the past continuous at the beginning of a story to describe the situation. regular verb that ends in e → add a d; We (go) to Bob's birthday party yesterday. Father (smoke) his pipe while mother (read) a magazine. Statistiche. Exercise instructions. Type in the verbs in the Simple Past. scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente. <> Quando usiamo queste due forme all’interno della stessa frase, usiamo il Past Continuous per parlare delle “azioni di sottofondo” mentre usiamo il Past Simple per l’azione più breve che ha avuto luogo.. Simple past, past progressive, past perfect, past perfect progressive leicht und verständlich erklärt inkl. Task No. In this exercise you will practise the past simple and past continuous tenses.. - English Grammar Today - una guida di riferimento alla grammatica e all'uso dell'inglese parlato e scritto - Cambridge Dictionary ��_��k�Ԥ���I�A��߁����V����.dO/!h�8%��B }D��.�@��d[}ƶ���b�r�D�.K h�Y��yQ�n�= �ѽ�f��K�/��)�u�/��+2��RwA�Ϯ��N"}�^U��1���g4��8���aB�K�M�o��™ ����'9���2�M��ʟ��|A~���!��:���E�������O7 q��iK-G�#�|�@��(�`��ђ�V�����b�d-�UAqA��-��'�#��)ʞ�p(�\b*�)�#�F�J=��2R�q��|W �������'Zk �Yu�$El��ck 4�� �i��N��#Z�us�D�`V��Z`Q8�Z�hW�n�cd��J��e�6 �͢�����'H�kj�2E0MہL��+43ec��E� :5[�b���#t��V�!K_�c{ ������֋��F��@˝9a�t�9l��m6�Q�+���-��޸ >�\҉ � �J$�XJRć��J!��XJb�!��P�h`d&2���1�mJf�εu�粶`hX���%j�o����6� THE PAST SIMPLE refers to something you did once at a specific time in the past. Marvin (come) home, (switch) on the computer and (check) his emails. Continuous: HAD BEEN + V-ing An action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past ( had been living, had been singing …). Exercises. Show example. Pioveva forte quando abbiamo lasciato la festa. Ejercicios y actividades online de Past simple and past continuous. By the time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I (have) five cups of coffee and I (wait) over an hour. I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at 8:00. x��Zm��6����~���,�IbP��l�^���,�8$E൵k!��'���O��e٢�����̐��g����)ˆ����u�,��|ž�ߔMSn�����?-��ݢ)�������G�˲ɫ�fo�ޱ7��7���eQ����� g1��Y*�X(��Hg�fd�|N�S}{�'�-;|����K�������7�@ called, played, arrived). 3. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license Lezione di grammatica inglese online per studenti di livello intermedio - Un confronto tra il Past Simple e il Past Continuous. 0% . <> Esercizi gratuiti per imparare l'Inglese: Past simple or past continuous? The specific moment in the past can be described by a time expression  (at 9 a.m., at midday, at lunchtime, all morning, all day, etc. 3 0 obj Regular past simple verbs have -ed at the end (e.g. Esercizi > Verbi > Il passato > Past simple & Past continuous Da questa pagina si può accedere agli esercizi sul sul passato semplice e sul passato progressivo (past simple vs past progressive exercises) dei verbi inglesi nelle loro varie forme: affermativa, negativa, interrogativa, interrogativa-negativa e risposte brevi. Simple: HAD + past participle An action occurred before another action in the past. 2. 8I wasn't sayingdidn't say hello because you were walkingwalked very fast. (the action is finished) In a story, we use the past simple to talk about past events in chronological order; i.e. Esercizi su "Past simple o past continuous" 43.1 : 43.1 Put the verbs into the correct form. 4 0 obj goes: is going: 6: Don't talk me about Jane. 10What did you dowere you doing when I calledwas calling you last night? 0% . [cook, have] 1. (the action was not finished) The past continuous describes a longer action or situation and the past simple describes a shorter action or event. After Fred (to spend) his holiday in Italy he (to want) to learn Italian. We use the past simple for completed actions in the past, and we use the past continuous for actions in progress (not finished) in the past. Where were you? Sono corrette? After they had spent their holiday in Spain they wanted to go to France. Sometimes the time expression is mentioned. I had to leave because I (arrange) to meet Kathy in front of the theater. The past simple shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present. The short action in past simple often interrupts the longer action in past continuous. esercizi present simple e present continuous Esercizi sulle differenze e l'uso del present simple e continuous nella grammatica inglese. Das Past Continuous wird häufig in Kombination mit dem Past Simple verwendet. Simple Past Past Progressive; azioni consecutive nel passato. Mentre mia mamma stava cucinando, io mi stavo facendo la doccia. We were eating dinner at 8pm last night. Past Simple oder Past Continuous – Multiple Choice (Schwierigkeit: 2 von 5 – eher leicht) Wähle für die Sätze die jeweils passende Antwort mit dem Past Simple oder dem Past Continuous.. Beispiel: “You called me while I _____ a shower.” A. were having B. had C. was having → Richtig! ( had lived, had sung …). Students > Solutions > Upper-Intermediate > Grammar > Exercise 2 - Past perfect simple and continuous. ... frasi con il present simple; esercizi past simple e continuous; frasi con il present continuous; verbi che non accettano la forma progressiva (stative verbs) 1. Simple: HAD + past participle An action occurred before another action in the past. Past simple, past continuous, past perfect – grammar chart . 4I didn't answerwasn't answering your call because I was workingworked. �D�ti��h��2=Q�TQf\ڗ09� D�L��, �� We ate out yesterday. 9I sleptwas sleeping happily when a loud noise was waking me upwoke me up. 4427. Die kürzere Handlung, welche oft nur Sekunden dauert, ist durch das Past Simple gekennzeichnet. 6When I was seeingsaw her, she was wearingwore a really nice purple dress. the main events of a story. I was watching TV. ESERCIZIO NUM: 940 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-continuous past-simple - DIFFICOLTA': *** CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio. … 2. esercizi past continuous passato progressivo. Free English online grammar exercise on the use of past tense simple and progressive, past tense continuous. Answers to Past Simple or Past Continuous Exercise 2 1. Past Perfect – Simple Past – contrasted. Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 50 esercizi. Example: Pat (to live) in London before he (to move) to Rome. Esercizi di grammatica inglese sulle differenze tra il past simple e il present perfect tense. Here's an interactive exercise about the past simple and past continuous tenses - choose the correct tense. English grammar practice exercise, for pre-intermediate and intermediate level. [arrive, watch] 2. endobj Esercizi sul past simple e past continuous Inserisci nelle apposite caselle di testo le risposte che ritieni corrette. 4: They _____ a job at the moment. to the cinema last week. Simple past or past perfect. 43.2 : 43.2 Change the sentences of the previous exercise into negative ones. 2 0 obj Ogni mattina mi alzavo presto, partivo con la mia bici, visitavo i villaggi che incontravo lungo il percorso e parlavo con la gente. <>>> Simple Past – Past Progressive – contrasted. (Past perfect - simple past) Tom had talked to his wife before he left the house. 2He drovewas driving very fast when the police stoppedwas stopping him. 1. Simple Past + Past Continuous nella stessa frase. Use Simple Past or the Past Progressive. 0% . // … I lived in Miami, Florida. We were watching TV when we heard a loud noise. Irregular verbs have a different form, usually with a different vowel sound (e.g. Esercizi su "Past simple o past continuous" 43.1 : 43.1 Put the verbs into the correct form. At 8.30 last night I was watching TV. They (have) tea when the doorbell (ring). I lived in Miami, Florida. Do you need help? Per verificare il risultato, fai click su "Correggi"! use the contract form when possible. Example: I had spoken: regular verbs: infinitive + ed. Example: I worked: regular verbs: form of have + infinitive + ed. The past continuous and the past simple help us to show how two past actions or situations are connected. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive). We ate out yesterday. The Present perfect is used to talk about. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> William (visit) his grandparents last weekend. (Past perfect - simple past) A=trip B=tripped C=was tripping / 2 Simon __ such a mess while he was eating. simple action in the past → simple past; A bird pooed on the window that I . Esercizi su past simple vs continuous e sulle differenze tra il past simple e il past continuous (progressive) The thief (sneak) into the house, (steal) the jewels and (leave) without a trace. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Past simple, past continuous, past perfect. 43.3 : 43.3 Make questions using the past continuous: 0% . Choose the correct verb forms. 3. =�ё�9_F� Past simple vs past continuous We use the past simple for completed actions in the past, and we use the past continuous for actions in progress (not finished) in the past. Esercizi gratuiti per imparare l'Inglese: Past perfect or past perfect continuous?

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